We Make Circus Shows

We Make Circus Shows
Circus Antics

We have some exciting news and plans for the winter months ahead and wanted to share them with you! We are putting in an Arts Council England project funding bid for some research and development work to create a new outdoor family circus show to be performed at events in summer 2021! The show will include storytelling, physical theatre and circus tricks. The themes in the show will touch on empowerment and mental health and the circus show will be perfect for schools, outdoor fetes and festivals, so watch this space and keep your fingers crossed for us!


Also, all our circus performers are adapting and changing their circus acts to outdoors to suit the ever-changing situation due to the current Pandemic.  We can provide Covid compliant Fire Performers, Stilt Walkers, Hula Hoopers, Aerialists, Acrobats, Balloon Modellers, Bubbleologists, Street Performers, Jugglers and walkabout acts to suit most small private outdoor events, shopping centres and celebrations for the Christmas and new year season ahead of us.


We can also offer virtual circus acts for any online festivals so do get in touch if you are planning something.


We really need your continued support as all our work has been lost this year and one way to do this is to help us get more followers on social media by simply heading to our Facebook page below.


Go to the more tab, select community and then click on invite friends to like our page. Invite a few, maybe even the whole list. We thank you for your support during this difficult time 


To book our performers email us here or call 07970981092.



Circus Antics - Spectacular Stilt Walkers, Fire Performers, Circus Acts and Circus Workshops for Hire​
Circus Antics

© Circus Antics | Privacy & Cookie Policy | Telephone : 07970 981092

Circus Antics - Spectacular Stilt Walkers, Fire Performers, Circus Acts and Circus Workshops for Hire​
Circus Antics - Spectacular Stilt Walkers, Fire Performers, Circus Acts and Circus Workshops for Hire​

© 2019 Circus Antics

Email : info@circusantics.co.uk | Telephone : 07970 981092

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Circus Antics